DGFT’s Centralized Video Conference: A Game Changer for Exporters

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has been at the forefront of enhancing trade facilitation. Moreover, it also provides efficient grievance redressal mechanisms for the exporting community in India. In its latest endeavor to empower trade, DGFT has introduced a game-changing facility. It is the Centralized Video Conference (VC) at the DGFT headquarters. This groundbreaking initiative is effective from November 8, 2023. It promises to transform the way trade matters are handled and issues resolved.

The Centralized Video Conference Facility by DGFT

DGFT Headquarters has decided to address matters that are challenging to resolve. Hence, senior officers from DGFT will be available for the centralized video conference sessions. These sessions will be held on every Wednesday between 10 AM to 12 Noon.

The primary objective of this initiative is very clear. The focus is to resolve matters that have been difficult to address or discuss. Various DGFT Regional Authorities(RAs) will help to solve them with concreted efforts.

A Platform for Dialogue and Improvement

This centralized video conference facility isn’t just a means to resolve issues. It’s a platform for trade and industry representatives to actively participate. This will encourage stakeholders to voice suggestions for improvements. Moreover, they can raise concerns related to DGFT systems and procedures. It’s an opportunity for you, as an import-export business owner, to play a crucial role in shaping trade policies and processes.

Seamless Registration Process

  • Participating in these video conferences is hassle-free. 
  • Interested parties can register through the DGFT portal at www.dgft.gov.in 
  • Once registered, select the ‘Centralized VC with HQs’ option under ‘services.’ 
  • To prioritize your slot, make sure to log in and register in advance. 
  • However, don’t worry if you haven’t registered early. 
  • DGFT is committed to providing access to all waiting members in the VC lobby, ensuring that no one is left out.

A Growing Response

The success of this initiative depends on your active participation. It also depends on the feedback received from the trade and industry. Over time, the number of time slots and availability will be adjusted based on the response. DGFT is dedicated to ensuring that the facility caters to the evolving needs of the trade community.

Existing Facilities Continue

The introduction of the Centralized VC Facility does not replace existing systems. They will continue the daily online video conferences with all RAs of DGFT. Moreover, the individual appointments with concerned officers of RAs over VC will continue as usual. DGFT aims to provide a comprehensive approach to address trade-related issues effectively.

In Conclusion

DGFT’s Centralized VC Facility is a great opportunity for import-export and other business owners in India. It is the opportunity to engage directly with senior officers. You can express your concerns, and contribute to the improvement of trade processes. 

DGFT’s commitment to trade facilitation and openness to dialogue is evident in this. Make the most of this platform to shape the future of trade in India. Ensure that it aligns with your business needs and goals. Together, we can pave the way for a more efficient and vibrant trade community.

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